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 Participation Requirements : 
Attendance and Supervision Policy
Children under 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times in the building.
Children aged 12 and older may be dropped off, provided they can follow our behavior guidelines. If they fail to adhere to these guidelines, they will lose the privilege of being unsupervised. They should only be dropped off when they have scheduled classes.

Volunteer Commitment
Our program thrives on family involvement. To participate, we ask that each family volunteer one hour per week in the classroom each semester. This could involve teaching, co-teaching, assisting in a class, or helping in the nursery. Note: Only the children and babies of actively teaching or volunteering parents are allowed in the nursery. Additionally, we expect each family to assist with an enrichment day activity each semester.
Youth Family Commitment
If all of your attending children are aged 12 or older, your volunteer commitment is one hour per week either fall or winter semester. This could be fulfilled by teaching one semester or co-teaching both semesters. We also ask that youth families help with a youth activity each semester.

Building Maintenance Contribution
To help cover cleaning costs for the building, each family is required to contribute approximately $10 per semester. This is in addition to a non-refundable annual registration fee of $60 per family, which helps cover administrative costs and rent. Families joining for the winter semester only will pay a reduced registration fee of $30.

Teaching Commitment
To ensure we have enough parents to fill teaching roles, preference will be given to those willing to teach. It is expected that each family will commit to teaching or co-teaching (excluding youth only families) every semester unless there are extenuating circumstances discussed with the executive committee.

Creating a Respectful and Safe Learning Environment

At GMA, our goal is to foster a culture of mutual respect and provide a healthy learning environment for all students, mentors, and families. To achieve this, we have established certain rules and guidelines. Ultimately, parents are responsible for the instruction and guidance of their children—and themselves—in adhering to these behavior standards.

GMA has set clear conduct expectations for its students. Before enrollment, we ask that parents carefully and honestly assess each student’s needs and their readiness to meet these expectations.

Behavior and Conduct Guidelines

Designated Areas: Children must remain in their designated areas at all times. Wandering through the rest of the building is not permitted. We share this space, and it’s important to respect the boundaries in place.

Classroom Entry: Only enter classrooms where you are either attending or helping. Do not enter other classrooms.

Equipment Use: Do not touch any building equipment, such as sound systems or televisions, without permission and adult supervision.

Hallway Conduct: Please move quietly through the halls and common areas during breaks between classes.

Class Attendance: Stay in your enrolled class until the scheduled break. If you need to leave for any urgent reason, inform your teacher and return as soon as possible.

On-Site Presence: All participants must remain inside the building while on site.

Respectful Behavior: Children must behave respectfully towards others.

Positive Language: Use language and behavior that uplifts and supports others. Insults, offensive words, and foul language are not acceptable.

Appropriate Physical Contact: Be mindful of physical interactions with others, respecting their boundaries. Listen and respect words like “stop” and “no.” Bullying in any form is not tolerated.

Dress Code: Children should dress appropriately for a learning environment, promoting dignity and integrity.

Food and Drink: Food is discouraged inside the building, and only water is allowed for drinking.

Behavioral Expectations and Consequences

If a child becomes unmanageable, they will be returned to their parent, or the parent may need to stay with them. It is not appropriate to leave screaming babies in the nursery or disruptive children in classes.

Since infractions of our rules impact the entire group, any student who engages in behavior inconsistent with our code of conduct risks being dismissed from GMA.

For serious infractions or recurring issues, such as bullying, physical violence, use of vulgar language, or destruction of property, one or more of the following steps will be taken:

Warning: The child will receive a warning.

Parental Supervision: The child will be required to stay with their parent until both the parents and the Executive Committee agree they are ready to return to their classes.

Dismissal: The child may be dismissed for the remainder of the semester or permanently, depending on the severity of the behavior.

*Please note that GMA’s behavioral consequences do not replace or preclude any legal actions that may result from serious offenses, including physical violence or property destruction.

Teaching at GMA

Before committing to teach, please review the following guidelines:

Course Approval: All courses must be approved by the Executive Committee before being added to the schedule. Parents can submit course proposals using the provided forms, including all relevant information and details.

Teacher Responsibilities: As a teacher, you are responsible for your course content, classroom management, materials, and the overall success of your class.

Course Costs: Most of our teachers are volunteers and typically only charge to cover class expenses. Teachers will determine the cost of their course for the semester, with a $14 building fee added to establish the total price. GMA handles registration and collects the building/cleaning fees, while each family is responsible for paying their children's teachers directly.

Materials and Supplies: Teachers are expected to provide all necessary course materials. If additional fees or materials are required from parents, this must be clearly stated in the class description. Classes are 55 minutes long, and it’s important to start and end on time. The last five minutes should be used for cleanup to leave the room in better condition than you found it.

Commitment: Teaching is a semester-long commitment. The quality of your instruction should remain consistent throughout the entire semester.

Food and Drink: Food is generally discouraged, but if it is essential for your class, please minimize mess and avoid foods prone to spills. Only water is permitted as a drink. Additionally, check with parents regarding any food allergies or intolerances, and consider offering healthy snacks as an alternative to treats.

Messy Activities: If your class involves painting, crafting, or any other potentially messy activities, you must use a tarp, sheet, or floor cover to protect the carpet.

Class Cancellations: Teachers cannot cancel classes if GMA is in session, as this leaves students unsupervised. If you are unable to attend, you must find a substitute and provide them with the necessary materials. Consider asking teaching assistants (TAs) or parents of students enrolled in the class to volunteer as substitutes.

Parent Communication: You are responsible for contacting parents as needed. In case of emergencies, reach out to the GMA Executive Committee for assistance.

Storage: Teachers do not have access to storage, so you must bring your supplies in and out each day.

Enrollment: If you are teaching a class that your own children will attend, they must be officially enrolled, and the building fee must be paid for them.
Registration and Financial Policies

Class Requests: Registration is completed by submitting class requests to the GMA Executive Committee.

Age Requirements: Parents cannot enroll a child in a class outside the designated age range without permission from both the teacher and the Executive Committee. The child's age must be within one year (+/-) of the class age range.

Payment Responsibilities: Parents are responsible for paying teachers directly. Additionally, there is a $14 enrollment fee per class that must be paid to GMA. Parents will receive an invoice from the Executive Committee, which can be paid via PayPal, cash, or check.

Registration Deadlines: Registration closes two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester. Families wishing to register after classes have started must obtain permission from the teachers of the classes they wish to join.

Payment Before Semester Begins: All teachers must be paid one week before the semester starts. If payment is not received, the unpaid students will be dropped from their classes.

Refund Policy: There are no refunds once classes have started, as teachers will have already purchased supplies for a specific number of students.

Annual Registration Fee: The annual registration fee is non-refundable.

Great Community
Dozens of like-minded families comprise
the GMA community, giving your children
exposure to
interesting ideas and knowledge, and a social network with great friends.

A La Carte
A variety of classes are available for you to pick and choose from.  Many subjects and age ranges are covered. Pick what works best for your family.

Support Structure
You don't have to be an expert in every subject to homeschool; parents in the co op each teach classes on topics they're familiar with to alleviate the burden on you.

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